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Free Email Reading

What Do I need To Focus On Right Now In My (Love Life/Career/etc)?

If you're feeling stuck, unsure, or confused about any area of your life, this reading will provide the clarity and empowerment you need.

How It Works: I connect with you by using your name and ask your Higher Self to pick a tarot card.

I use the Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland. I won't simply give you the interpretation from the deck's booklet. I use the card to start a conversation with your Higher Self and to understand what it seeks to transmit to you through the card. The message may even go beyond the scope of the card.

Because it is your higher self picking the card you will feel a sense of knowing in what will be revealed in this reading.

I receive the message using my psychic abilities, making it uniquely tailored to you in that moment. If I feel guided, I may reference the booklet’s interpretation, but this is not typical.

I want you to know that even though this is a free email reading it doesn't change the fact that I will do every reading personally and with all of my love and presence just as I would in a paid reading. The only difference is that it will be more minimalist, but still impactful. Sometimes, that’s all we need.

After submitting the form below, you will receive the reading in 1-3 days. Please check your spam folder or promotions folder if you don't receive it after 3 days. Please note: This reading is available to each person only once.

What do I need to focus on right now in my ........? Pick an area of your life you would like this reading to be focused on.

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