This Clairvoyant Energy Update is for 15-31 January 2025, but the practices and ideas are applicable anytime.

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Clairvoyant Reading
The image depicted below is a metaphor for what is happening collectively to you between the 15th and 31st of January. As I tune in, I see a pastel purple current entering my reading screen. I'm watching it develop. From this pastel purple current grows a flower. It looks like a daisy. A yellow daisy. The yellow is a golden yellow, actually. Very vibrant. It looks so alive. Gold is the highest vibrating colour.
As the flower opens, golden pollen (not the kind that you are allergic to 😂) is released into the wind. The energy of this pollen feels like inspiration. The wind carries this golden pollen toward you, gently scattering it in your direction. As it touches you, there's an immediate shift in your energy field, and a magenta colour emerges.
The magenta represents triggers and old wounds around self-esteem and confidence. It carries the feeling of “I’m not enough.” With this comes the potential for a deep cleanse.
Whenever you experience that "I am not enough" feeling, or when those images related to self-esteem, confidence, or your ability to take action in the world light up in your energy field, pay attention. Increase your awareness. These are not your essence; these are simply information, fragments of belief systems that have been stored within you.
What you're actually receiving (the golden pollen) at this moment are powerful downloads meant to be shared with others. Yet, there's a part of you that doubts whether you are capable of doing so. This golden pollen triggers this information in your energy field, pulling up information related to your unworthiness.
Know that this triggering is intentional. It's a vital part of the process, designed by your Higher Self to help you cleanse and release these limiting beliefs. The downloads you’re receiving are from Source, from your inner being, and they are specific, intentional, and guided by your Higher Self. Their purpose is to assist you in clearing out what no longer serves you so that you can step fully into this new flow of inspiration and downloads.
These downloads are aligned with your purpose, and they are leading you toward growth and self-expression. So, when these triggers arise, know that there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. Quite the opposite. You are being pushed to see the immense power and light inside of you. Right now, you are assisted in releasing what is no longer needed, and you can aid yourself in this process.
Let Go and EnJOY the Present Moment
I see a light blue energy filling the background of my reading screen. This represents your ability to let go and embrace the joy of the present moment. As I tune into this energy, I am shown an image of you as a child jumping on a bed.
I see you in the air, carefree, falling onto the bed and bouncing right back up, filled with joy and laughter. This image is a metaphor for your ability to let go of control and allow yourself to fall into the unknown with joy. The falling, the letting go, is not something to fear; it is an essential part of the process of living fully.
The joy of falling, of surrendering to the moment, is where true freedom lies. Just as you were able to jump, fall, and then bounce back up as a child, you are being invited now to embrace this same energy: the willingness to let go and trust in the process of life. The key is in your ability to surrender, to let yourself fall and experience the joy of being fully in the present.
Many of us struggle to let go, to surrender to the present moment. We watch others who seem to leap freely, joyfully, without fear. Sometimes, we even feel envious of them. Pay attention to those moments of envy as they are a sign that there is something within you that longs for that same sense of freedom.
Envy can be a powerful mirror. Feeling envious may point you to something within yourself that you have not yet allowed yourself to experience. You may resist the joy of letting go and fully engaging in the moment.
It's important to ask yourself: What stops me from letting go? What am I afraid of?
This energy is here to remind you that letting go is not about losing control but about embracing the natural flow of life. Trust that by letting go, you will bounce back up, stronger, freer, and more aligned with your true essence. The universe is supporting you in this process right now.
Collective Body Energy Scan
On the outer layers of your aura, I see a bit of red energy on the seventh, and on the sixth, I see some orange. This is positioned somewhere above your head.
There’s an underlying fear here that there is a mismatch between how others see you and who you really are. In fact, it's not just a fear; this might have been the case before. You may have unconsciously tried to portray yourself in a certain way to get others' approval, building up a sense of discomfort inside of you.
This misalignment may cause you to get caught up in your thoughts, perhaps even overthinking how you're being seen by others. If you’re seeking greater alignment, the key lies within your solar plexus.
In the solar plexus, I see the energy of your values, sense of identity and what you stand for. This area of your energy field is all about having a strong, solid foundation. It’s about knowing who you are and feeling certain in your beliefs.
Some spiritual teachings or, more likely, misunderstandings and wrongful interpretations of spiritual teachings can weaken the solar plexus, which is related to the ego. However, you need to have a healthy ego to function in society. A healthy ego is not "bad" for spiritual purposes. What is "bad" is deeply identifying with the ego without awareness of your spirit. A strong and structured ego is beneficial.
Interestingly, this sense of structure and assuredness can help bridge the gap between the way you present yourself and how others perceive you. When you’re grounded in your values, that energy radiates outward through your body language and actions. As you embody your values, they naturally align you with your true essence and express that authenticity to the world.
This alignment, rooted in your solar plexus, also supports the earlier process we discussed: The release of limiting beliefs and pictures connected to your sense of worthiness. The groundedness and assuredness in your solar plexus will aid you in releasing old patterns that no longer serve you. Trust that by becoming aligned with your values, you are stepping into a more authentic, sovereign, empowered version of yourself.
Oracle Deck Insights
Card 1: Material & Spiritual Prosperity (Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland)

The card that has come up is the Material & Spiritual Prosperity card. This card is a reminder to align with what is in your vortex, as Abraham Hicks says.
This alignment requires you to release all the limiting information and beliefs in your energy field that make you feel unworthy. It’s time for you to truly see your value. You are being called to step into your power, and there’s no room left for hesitation or self-doubt.
The time for questioning your worth is over. No more messing about and saying things to yourself like, “I don’t know if I deserve this” or “I’m not sure if I’m worthy.” These doubts are not serving you, and they are preventing you from embracing the abundance that is already available to you.
Now is the time to claim your divine right to prosperity and all the gifts that are meant for you. By accepting your gifts, you can also share them with the world and be of service to others. If you reject your gifts, you can't be of help to others to the same degree.
This card calls you to honour yourself, to honour your worthiness, and to align with the abundance that is your birthright.
Card 2: Ladybird - "Accept happiness and Good fortune" (Archangel Animal Oracle Deck by Diana Cooper)

I view this card as a guide or the next step to the previous one. They are related. This card is by far my favourite from this deck.
The ladybird was communicating to me through sacred geometry. In the shapes, the information said, "Accept your blessings NOW, now is the time because all there is is now, accept your blessings. What are you waiting for?"
While receiving the message, there was a sense of laughter and joy. This is the energy that is helping you to accept your blessings. It makes sense because this raises your vibration.
In the deck's notebook, it says that ladybirds carry wisdom and joy in their energy field. It also says that if you feel delighted when you see a ladybird, your energy shifts, and this opens you to experience joy, blessings and good fortune from the universe.
Furthermore, give thanks for all that you have received already. So much has changed for you. You are well along your path.
You can connect with the spirit of the ladybird, as it is very willing to work with you. They can help raise your energy, especially when you're feeling low or stuck in limiting beliefs.
You are deeply supported right now so that you can embrace your blessings and true worthiness. I know you feel the calling, I do too. This is an opening, and it doesn't always feel this way, so take advantage of it. If you would like my assistance with any of this or something else, you can book a psychic reading. Alternatively, you can book a free initial consultation if you have questions before committing to a session.
With love and presence,
Ana (Clairvoyant Psychic & Intuitive Manifestation Coach)