This Clairvoyant Energy Update is for 15-22 September 2024.

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The Energy Update and Trends
This week, I see a rose split into three colours: green, purple, and yellow. I am going to interpret each part and how they correlate.
The green brings me back to your childhood, to your home. You’re being called to examine the role you’ve played within your family. The place that you have had in your family. Between your parents and siblings, what space was left for you? What is expected of you? This plays a big part of who you are identity-wise today. Become aware, but don't victimise yourself.
And what’s coming through is that you want to break free from the role you’ve formed as a result of this dynamic—you want to break free from the tribe.
Keep in mind that this is about leaving energetically, not leaving them behind and forgetting about your family, but rather evolving beyond and bringing a higher level of consciousness into your family. I will come back to this throughout the blog.
This role may no longer serve your deeper purpose or align with your current soul contracts. This process can feel disorienting, as though you're doing something wrong. But just because something feels wrong doesn’t mean it actually is—it may be the inherited family patterns creating that feeling.
A big part of this dynamic may revolve around shame and not fully accepting who you are. Acting on your truth may feel wrong because it conflicts with your tribe’s patterns. Pay close attention to this: if it feels wrong, it may actually be exactly what you need. It’s essential to meditate on this, pay attention to your dreams, and reflect on the emotions and symbols that arise. They can help you understand.
I'll give you an example from my dream last night. I dreamt I was on a lake, and Jay (from Modern Family, yes I'm re-watching Modern Family, I love it. If you don't know Modern Family, Jay is more of a patriarchal father figure archetype) was riding what looked like a smaller jet ski. He kept trying to make it work but he kept sinking. Jay in this dream most probably represents my dad, because Jay reminds me of my dad a lot. In the dream, I take this jet ski and give it a try too, and although the engine is not working very well and I almost fall off of it a few times, I start to rise above the water with it, and I'm gliding nicely with it moving around the lake and around this small island. I almost feel like I'm flying. I feel good but also kind of guilty, like I shouldn't go too far away or have too much fun, underlined by fear.
The engine and wonky jet ski represent life force energy. It is the life force that moves us, helps us take different paths, and breaks patterns.
The pattern that I'm breaking through is that life is a struggle. My dad has a survival mode pattern from which I am now breaking away. I am aware of this and I am with one foot in survival and one outside of survival. While consciously my father wants nothing more than for me to thrive and to be happy, of course, there is a bit of a battle inside of me and fear of breaking this pattern. There is always a fear to leave the tribe. Fear of retribution and of death, really. Leaving the tribe meant being exposed to the dangers out there in the wild. We are not in the wilderness here, though.
Breaking Free from Family Patterns
There’s often a subconscious fear: “If I leave my tribe, I’ll be punished.” But keep in mind, this isn’t about leaving your family physically—it’s about energetically breaking free from shared patterns. For example, if your family values hard work in a traditional way and you begin to adopt different beliefs about work and money, you may feel like you’re betraying them. This is where deep reflection is crucial.
Ask yourself: who sets the tone for your tribe? Is there someone whose influence has shaped the dynamic the most? Reflecting on this will help you understand your identity better and what you are being called to break away from.
Breaking Through
Now, let’s move into the deeper aspects of this transformation. The purple energy feels solidified, like a crust has formed on it. Just because it’s hardened doesn’t mean there isn’t more underneath.
You need to focus on yourself, look at yourself, go within, I get the word: scrutinize. Deeply investigate who you are beyond . Who you are goes much deeper.
Who you are may feel a little bit hard to access, right?
Just because it's difficult doesn't mean that there's nothing deeper there, okay?
With your questions and the help of your Higher Self , you start to break into this solidified aspect.
You ask, "Who am I?" It breaks a little. You ask with a little more conviction, and the crust breaks further. With every single knock, you start to get closer, and you start to break in. You start to get this deeper understanding, and you connect with this part of yourself that is much bigger, is much more You. You arrive home.
This week, I am releasing a Higher-Self meditation to assist you in connecting to your Higher Self and access higher guidance and insights. To be notified, scroll to the bottom of this page and subscribe.
The Collective Energy Body: What Stands Out
I see something between your second and third energy centres. Going into this, it looks like a long orange vertical shape. Looking within it, I see a meak-looking bird.
This is information in your space (a picture) that says, "I am weak. I can't achieve my goals. I don't have what it takes." Keep in mind that this is on the collective level, meaning that you might have something like it, but that's for you to become aware of. If you want a personalised psychic reading where I can scan your subtle bodies and read the information for you personally, you can book it here.
To transmute this belief, you must first feel it fully. Only by experiencing it can you realize that it’s not truly who you are. Once you recognize the difference between this false belief and your true self, it will begin to dissolve and transmute naturally.
Something else that’s important: your lower energy centers are being activated collectively. I've been drawn to red a lot this week. The root also represents the family and ancestral line.
Strong roots make it easier to be your own person. This helps raise the frequency of your tribe and ancestors, not to leave them behind.
Oracle Deck Insights
Card 1: 12 Sacrifice (Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck)

This card is about letting go of a part of yourself.
This is somehow related to the picture from the collective energy body related to feeling weak.
Think about this a little: where do you feel weak, and what has this week shown you in your dreams and daily life?
The picture/information (in your field) doesn't have to be exact, it can be something similar.
This picture serves you somehow. It has helped you somehow, but you must let go of it. Sacrifice it.
This will deeply propel you on your journey, even though it may not feel good at first.
Card 2: The Bear- Use Power with Wisdom (Archangel Animal Oracle Deck)

This message ties back to the family dynamic. As you transcend the role you’ve played within your family and step into your true power, you must use that power wisely.
Don’t use your newfound strength to retaliate against your family or hold resentment toward them.
Remember, we often act unconsciously, and if your family hurt you, it’s likely because they, too, were acting out of their own pain.
Hurt people hurt people. With this new power comes responsibility. Use the oracle insights as your guide.
I hope your week is filled with exciting opportunities for healing, growth and fun. Remember to enjoy the ride. If you would like a Personalised Oracle Card Pick and Interpretation, you can access it here.
Do you have questions about my services? Just send me a message on WhatsApp—I’m always quick to reply!
With love and presence,
Ana (Psychic & Intuitive Manifestation Coach)