This is a Clairvoyant Energy Update for 8-15 September 2024

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This week, I saw something I’d never seen before: the colours were shifting between hot pink and orange. It was like watching a lava lamp—a mesmerizing, fluid light show. I was curious to see what this means.
The hot pink represents feelings of envy and this is tied to your self-worth. Comparing yourself to others can lead to doubting your own value, and it becomes easy to lose sight of your own unique gifts.
You may think to yourself, "I am never envious", but be careful because this can come up in very small, insignificant ways, and you may not even be aware.
I don't think of myself as an envious person at all, but after sitting in meditation to receive this energy update, I took myself out on a solo date to the museum. On my way there, I caught myself looking at someone's haircut and hair colour and feeling a little envious. It was very, very subtle, and I probably wouldn't have caught it if the energy update hadn't pointed it out to me.
When you see someone on social media or walking on the street who perhaps has a haircut, a body, a life, or anything you would like to have, thank them for being a source of inspiration and showing you what is possible. This creates such a huge energy shift.
Orange, on the other hand, speaks to boundaries. It’s about understanding where you end and others begin. It refers to energetic and physical boundaries. This colour highlights your sense of self and the need to keep your energy centered and not scattered. When your boundaries are clear, you can hold yourself together more firmly, maintaining a strong sense of who you are.
Here’s the connection between the colours: when you compare yourself to others, your energy mixes with theirs. You lose that clear, healthy boundary, and suddenly, your sense of self feels shaky. But when you cultivate a strong sense of worth, those boundaries strengthen. You start to feel more confident in who you are and how you present yourself to the world.
From here, setting a boundary with someone feels natural and not like something you fear doing.
On top of it all, from that confidence comes magnetism—true magnetism—the kind that attracts people, opportunities, money, and anything else you desire. Doesn't it feel so good to you when you are around someone who knows their worth and has a clear sense of boundaries? They exude magnetism, and you just want to be around their energy all the time.
I saw an image of small sparkly life force particles exuding from your pores, this magnetic energy radiating out from you. It’s powerful.
How This Energy Affects Your Energetic Body
Not surprisingly, The solar plexus stood out when scanning the chakras. It looked like a powerful sun, but not in that warm positive way, but in a "if you get too close it willl burn way."
When your boundaries are unclear, a protection mechanism will kick in where you push others away.
This might come across as arrogance or a sense of "I’m better than you. "It's like you are pushing people away from your solar plexus.
This dynamic makes you doubt yourself.
I see a freshness in this orange.
A freshness of existing of walking into the world.
I see you walking with your head held up high and feeling comfortable inside your body.
It’s like no matter what anyone says, you are completely satisfied with yourself. It’s something that you’ve been after for a while. It has to do with how you feel inside your physical body, how your sense of worthiness is felt physically, and how it changes how you walk in the world, how you see others, how others see you, and how you interact with others.
Exercise: Embody Worthiness
Walk how you normally walk.
Now, imagine yourself as the most worthy person on Earth. How would you feel in your body?
Take that feeling into your body and walk again. Notice the difference.
Feeling something physically gives you a much more visceral understanding of the energy at play. Try this exercise when you need to reconnect with your sense of worth this week.
Remember, if you feel triggered this week, come back to this blog for guidance. You have the tools to navigate this energy.
Oracle Deck Insights
Card 1: 9 - Suffering in Silence (Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck)

This card is a reminder: you don’t have to suffer in silence. You are not alone. Warmth radiates from this card, reminding you that there are people and spirit guides ready to help you. If your mind has you stuck in a loop, reach out. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Spirit is watching over you, guiding you. It’s time to face your fears and take action.
Card 2: The Goat- Act from your innate wisdom (Archangel Animal Oracle Deck)

I love the energy of this card.
The goat invites you to find wisdom in lightness.
When I tap into this card, I feel resonant circles of connection, reminding you that you’re always in communication with your Higher Self.
It’s just about tuning in, like adjusting a radio signal to the right frequency.
This card also speaks to independence and finding your tribe.
Just because you’re a free spirit doesn’t mean you have to be alone.
Challenge the belief that being independent means being isolated. There are others on the same wavelength as you—just like the goat, you can be part of a tribe while still maintaining your unique essence.
This week’s energy encourages you to embrace your self-worth, strengthen your boundaries, and step confidently into the world with renewed clarity. By releasing comparison and honouring your unique essence, you’ll find a powerful sense of magnetism radiating from within.
If you’re seeking more personalized guidance for your unique situation, I’ve created a new service where I connect with your Higher Self to draw two cards specifically for you and interpret them. I’ll then craft a personalized email to guide you through the week ahead—just like I do in the weekly blogs, but tailored directly to you. While the blogs capture the collective energy, this service offers a deeper, individualized approach to help you navigate your path with greater clarity. Click here to access it.
Do you have questions about my services? Just send me a message on WhatsApp—I’m always quick to reply!
With love and presence,
Ana (Psychic & Intuitive Manifestation Coach)