Welcome to this week's clairvoyant energy update!
General Themes This Week
Independence in Your Spiritual Practice
Are you scared of accidentally summoning demons? 😂 Or maybe you simply fear doing the wrong spiritual practice or not doing it enough or in the right way.
Well, I have some good news: This week, you are being invited to deepen your spiritual maturity by becoming more independent and confident in your practices.
It’s a time to stop constantly seeking external validation and deepen your connection to your Higher Self, the God inside of you. Trust more in your inner knowing.
As fear diminishes, there’s a growing sense of being looked after, allowing you to become more comfortable and assured in your spiritual journey.
This newfound confidence is aligned with accomplishing what your higher self wants to achieve, opening up a vast and profound connection that has been waiting to unfold.
To help this process, take the initiative and assign yourself a practice meant to connect you deeper with your higher self and a time of the day to do it. It can be a simple and short practice. It's important for your spiritual independence that you come up with something that your intuition tells you will help you in this endeavour.
Exploring The Essence of Feminine Energy
While glancing into what is happening collectively, there seemed to be a divine intervention in this week's energies, like a gift for us all. But the Universe never ceases to have a sense of humour. This gift is the opportunity to see in a new light and become more aware of something that has been left untalked about—something that you've been putting off but are supposed to deal with.
It is tied to your relationship with feminine energy and the beliefs you’ve inherited about it. These beliefs may have been distorted by societal norms or the actions of those who first embodied feminine energy in your life, a parent perhaps.
Important Sidenote: When discussing feminine energy, I do not mean women. Feminine energy is something that everyone has within.
Now is the time to reconnect with the true essence of feminine energy beyond societal programming and to explore how others may have distorted that essence for you.
Healing point: This process is not about blaming others but rather about forgiving them and embracing the energy they represented to the best of their abilities. Remember, when you increase self-awareness, you also should increase self-love. They always go hand in hand.
Your soul is yearning for this reconnection, for an integration of feminine energy that empowers you to embody it in its truest form. Furthermore, this isn't only about how we embody this energy but also how we interact with it.
Personally, it has been difficult for me to understand what feminine energy is. I never considered myself to be a feminine person, according to how society understands femininity. Being born into a female body, being feminine was something that was expected from me, and it never felt right to me. However, ever since I have separated feminine energy from gender, I come to find that I really enjoy and like my feminine energy. I have gained a much deeper understanding of what feminine energy is beyond gender constructs and societal expectations. Feminine energy to me is not in my gender expression (although it's also ok if it is for you) feminine energy to me is about the way I experience a moment.
So that's my experience that is an ever-evolving one. What about yours?
The Role of Feminine Energy in Manifesting
The reason why this is coming up now is because of our desire to be connected creators, to manifest a life that resonates deeply. In order to do this, we are being guided to redefine for ourselves what feminine energy is and to connect to it in a way that is personal and intimate because only when it feels like it's yours, not your mother's or your father's or society's, but intimately yours, can you honour the power of feminine energy and become a more powerful creator.
One of the laws of the universe is polarity, and this is the one we are invited to explore this week.
What comes up when thinking about the law of polarity is how Abraham Hicks says that your experience of lack of money gives rise to the desire for abundance.
Feminine energy is associated with being comfortable in the unknown, in the asking part of the manifesting equation. So, this is saying to be more present while you don't have evidence of your manifestation flowing with the universe to allow it to come.
The law of polarity says that duality is two sides of the same coin.
Having money and not having money are the same in nature but different in degrees. A good example of this is temperature. You have cold and hot. Imagine a vertical thermometer. Hot is just a different degree of cold. There is no clear location where cold becomes hot or vice versa.
When you realise that lacking money and having money are the same thing, it becomes easier to go from a degree of lack to a degree of abundance.
Similarly, manifesting consists of both the asking and the receiving parts. One cannot exist without the other.
By understanding and embracing the role of feminine energy in manifesting, we can tap into the deeper layers of creation. The law of polarity reminds us that opposites are simply different degrees of the same essence. Just as hot and cold are points on the same scale, lack and abundance are, too. When we recognize this, we can shift more easily from one state to another. By connecting intimately with your own feminine energy, you can honour its power and become a more aligned and effective creator, flowing with the universe to bring your desires into reality.
The Changes You Have Been Going Through Lately
You have been undergoing significant changes lately, and while the most intense part of your growth period may have passed, the transformation is still ongoing. Now, you are in a phase of integration where things are settling down, allowing you to make sense of the changes you’ve experienced. Take some time to reflect during this time.
This growth period has led to an expansion of how you experience life. There is more room for joy. You are more able to be you, not limited by your idea of how others see you. Previously, you might have restricted your expression of yourself because of your perception of how others see you. Now you realise that it was never about how others actually judge you but more about your own ideas of how others judge you.
There is nothing else to do other than to be you. There is a lot of freedom in this.
With this newfound sense of safety, knowing that you've got your own back, you align more closely with your true essence, like a flower naturally blooming in full confidence.
Tarot Card Guidance
I had a feeling that one of the queens would show up this week.
The Queen of Swords is about a deeper, more mature, and profound understanding of feminine energy that goes beyond what family, society, and culture represent to us. She says we must discern for ourselves what feminine energy is. The queen of swords is direct, self-assured, wise, and has a powerful intellect. She is her own definition of feminine.
This week invites you to deepen your spiritual independence, reconnect with your true feminine energy, and integrate the powerful lessons you've learned. Trust your inner wisdom and embrace the balance of energies within you. As you move forward, remember that you have the strength and clarity to manifest the life you truly desire. This is your journey, and you're ready to step into your full creative power with confidence and joy.
If you want more personalised insights, you can book a free consultation or Whatsapp me to learn more about what I offer.
Love and Presence,
Ana (Psychic & Intuitive manifestation coach)