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Clairvoyant Energy Update: I Couldn't Make The Title Short Enough. A lot is Going on!

Writer's picture: Ana DobrescuAna Dobrescu

This Clairvoyant Energy Update is for 29 Sept- 6 Oct 2024, but the practices and ideas are applicable anytime.

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Clairvoyant Reading

Seeing Your Intrinsic Value

Different parts of you that were previously split off are coming together like puzzle pieces. An inner integration or mending is taking place.

As we progress through the different stages of development, from toddler to child, young teenager, teen, young adult and so on, we assume different identities and roles that come with that age in our society. Even though we don't express these younger parts as much anymore as adults, they are still very much in us. I get this feeling of the child in you reaching out to you. There was something that you intrinsically knew then that you need now. Think about what that may be for you.

I get the word recognition. I like this definition of the word recognition: "acknowledgement of the existence, validity, or legality of something" (Oxford Languages). "Recognition" is something so simple, so human, and so basic that I think it passes us by every day. When you wake up and get out of bed and slowly start to think about the day ahead, do you have this silent sense of needing to receive validation or "recognition" in whatever way, shape or form?

What if, instead, before you get out of bed, you take a sweet moment to "recognize" yourself? As a child, you intrinsically had this as you got out of bed. Bring it back.

There is a connection being made between your inner child and you today.

See your intrinsic value. This is a very basic and essential part of being a whole human in the world.

Key Figures in Your Life in The Creation of Your Ego Self

The question "Who Am I?" still plays an important role this week, as last week. This is a background energy that connects together other themes that may be playing out in your life. New information will emerge into your awareness. This may be information you have forgotten, especially related to your family and personal history. It ties back to the topic we explored above related to how you perceive yourself. You may discover a key figure who influenced your self-image, granting you a deeper, more evolved understanding of yourself.

For example,you may notice something new in one of your parents that you haven't before, and see that in yourself, as well. This gives you a deeper understanding of your ego self and might explain certain behaviours or tendencies.

Remeber, the ego self is also created by mirroring and imitating those closest to us.

This exploration of the self is also part of a larger growth period that you are experiencing right now.

Clearing External Energies: Embracing Your True Path While Honouring Ancestral Gifts

I noticed a bit of black energy in your field, which represents the presence of other people's energy (not negative energy). For instance, your parents may have envisioned you becoming a doctor, but your true life purpose may lie on a different path, such as that of an entrepreneur or artist. It's important to engage in clearing and grounding practices to release these external energies, allowing you to live your own purpose. Without doing so, you may feel a constant push and pull, confused about your direction and unsure of your next step.

However, it's important to distinguish between the beneficial aspects your parents and ancestors have passed on to you, the consciousness they have evolved while alive, such as healing abilities, resilience, or warmth, and the limiting structures they may have imposed, which can block your free will. While they may have unconsciously placed expectations on you, they’ve also provided valuable resources that can support you on your unique path. This distinction helps you clear the unhelpful influences while embracing the gifts they have given.

I saw a hot pink arrow going through this ancestral connection. This is you making the best of what you have been given but as your own authentic self. Furthermore, while before you might have had some fear or repulsion towards what you might have inherited, now you are fully embracing and even being grateful for what you have been given. What this week is about is you stepping into your authentic path while embracing, integrating and using, as you meant to, the resources that you have inherited from your parents and ancestors.

Embracing Change as a Constant Brings Peace

Going back to the background question that seems to be connected to other themes and energies: Who Am I? This is something very pure that comes from your core. There is a part of you that feels a little confused and wonders if this is ever going to end.

You will always be discovering yourself and changing, but there will come a point when you will feel much more at peace and settled.

This does not mean that there won't be change because there always is.

You’ll never fully settle on a fixed version of who you are, but you’ll reach a deeper understanding. This understanding will bring you peace and a sense of being settled, though not in the traditional sense.

It’s not about finally defining who you are and sticking to it, but rather letting go of the need to define yourself so rigidly. By releasing the need to grasp tightly onto your identity, you’ll actually feel more comfortable and settled in a broader, more meaningful way.

The Collective Energy Body- Any Changes and What They Mean

In the collective energy body, I see a yellow line located just above and around the lower back and sacral area, near the second energy centre (sacral chakra). There’s also a strong flow of red energy extending downward from this point, which signals activation of the lower energy centres. The overall shape appears triangular, reinforcing a sense of grounding and stabilization. This activation seems closely tied to your ability to stand up for yourself, indicating that a healing process is underway in the lower chakras, especially around the first and second energy centres (root and sacral). I can also sense this along the spine, suggesting an energetic adjustment or realignment. Something has been energetically placed here to support you in standing your ground and fostering deeper rooting and grounding.

In addition, there is a soft, light pink energy around the chest area, specifically focused on the back and shoulders. This feels like a release as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. The pink energy represents a cloak of self-love, gently supporting this area. This self-love allows you to avoid taking on burdens that don’t belong to you, which ultimately benefits both you and others. By releasing the need to carry others’ energy or responsibilities, you allow them the space to process their own karma. This self-love brings greater alignment to your energy body, helping you feel more centred and balanced.

Oracle Deck Insights

Card 1: Financial & Material Changes (Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck)

Financial and material changes

This card signals that the shifts in your identity will soon bring about changes in your external world. As the saying goes, “as above, so below.” As you cultivate a deeper sense of worthiness within yourself, you will naturally attract abundance, and new opportunities will start to appear around you. While it is still up to you to take action and bring these opportunities to life, there will be a new ease in drawing them to you, something that may not have been present before.

The way that you make money will change. Money will come your way in a manner that is more aligned with your Higher Self. You have done the inner work to allow this to happen.

Additionally, the card suggests that using tools like crystals or wearing a ring on your little finger can help you stay connected to this new sense of self and abundance, enhancing that flow. However, this is just a suggestion, so use what resonates with you.

Card 2: The Owl- "Listen to the messages of the angels" (Archangel Animal Oracle Deck).

The owl- listen to the messages of the angels

I could sense the energy of this card before it even appeared. The Owl card speaks deeply to your connection with your higher self, the divine, and the astral realm. It’s a reminder to truly listen to this connection, as there is an abundance of guidance available to you, much more than you may have realized. This guidance is ever-present, and by practising stillness and tuning in, you can begin to tap into it. Your angels and spiritual guides are always there, ready to assist you in countless ways.

For so long, you may have felt alone, but this card is a revelation of a whole new realm of support. These messages often come to you as thoughts, though they have a different quality, something you wouldn’t normally think of on your own. When you quiet your mind and become still, you can discern these messages clearly. It’s not about hearing with your ears but about understanding and recognizing their unique nature. They carry a wisdom that feels different, profound and transformative.

This insight may come from a higher part of yourself with a broader perspective or from the spiritual beings surrounding you who are here to guide you on your journey. Embrace this wisdom, for it can light your path and lead you to a clearer understanding of your purpose.

If this Energy Update has helped you and you are interested in what I can offer you, you can send me a message on WhatsApp. I’m always quick to reply! Alternatively, you can check out my services.

With love and presence,

Ana (Clairvoyant, Pyshic & Intuitive Manifestation Coach)

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