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Writer's pictureAna Dobrescu

Connected Creator's Capsule- Clairvoyant Energy Update for This Week

For the week of 4-11 August 2024

pendulum swinging

Welcome to this week's Clairvoyant Energy Update!

I know you’ve been going through a challenging time lately. Whether it’s external circumstances or just the struggle of managing your inner dialogue, it can feel overwhelming.

Spiritually, things are moving incredibly fast. It may seem like every time you find balance, something comes along to disturb it. You’re not alone, and you’re not crazy. We’re in a new era of consciousness where things move at a quicker pace than they used to.

I want you to understand that your mind judges your experiences very harshly. Your ego judges and belittles you and makes you feel bad. Perhaps it’s “Oh, but you should have known how to do this already” or “Pfff, you are so behind everyone else, you aren’t good at doing anything” or something along those lines. Catch this judgmental and belittling mind in action; don’t let it get the best of you. 

It’s true that we are moving quickly, but it’s crucial to understand that the balance we seek isn’t found externally. Things are always going to be moving about at an accelerated rate; the energy on Earth and us, too, are ascending. Once we get used to this new pace, things will start to feel more enjoyable.

You might feel like a fraud or think you can’t get a grip on your life. This is perfectly normal in such rapidly changing times. One day, you feel like you’ve got it all figured out, and the next, you’re back to square one. Life today is vastly different from how it was for our parents and grandparents, who often learned one profession and stuck with it happily for their entire lives. We juggle multiple things at once, moving from one project to another. It’s not because we can’t commit, but our energy environment is different.

You might also peek into others’ lives through social media and think they have it all together. Trust me, they don’t. It’s an illusion.

You’re not alone in this; everyone is affected. Don’t try to showcase achievements or stability for social validation. Avoid putting yourself in a self-made prison by seeking external approval.

This fast-paced environment requires and asks of us a certain detachment from outcomes. We cannot have this strict idea of who we are or attach to this idea of who we are. 

This environment requires more introspection and an increased awareness of our patterns so that we do not fall into them. 

And most importantly, this environment asks of us for more self-love.

As a result, you may be looking for certainty in a person romantically or in an idea of who you are. I say this with love, stop attaching. 

BUT then you might be asking yourself: Where can I find a safe haven if everything is constantly changing?

Read this carefully, slowly and repeatedly:

Self-love is self-knowing.

You can find it in the KNOWING of your true self, where self-love arises. In this self-love of knowing you have a safe haven. 

Self-love is really a knowing of your true self (higher self). That is who you truly are. This is the realest safe haven that you can have, even amid crumbling structures. Actually, this is the only safe haven that you can have. This part of yourself is always the same, always present, always love. 

Right now, You are undergoing self-healing, represented clairvoyantly by a light blue colour. 

The healing comes in the practice of this self-love, not in the theory of it.

-How can you bring that self-love that comes from this deeper You into your challenge or situation right now?

-What does this sef-love mean in the context of your situation? 

-How do you practically apply it?

There is such an emphasis on the law of attraction  (in hermeticism, this is called the law of correspondence), but there are so many more laws out there that are important and relevant. 

This week, pay particular attention to the Law of Rhythm. This law states that everything has a rhythm: the sun rises and sets, tides ebb and flow, and seasons change. Our emotional lives have rhythms, too. There is a time to cry, to be sad, to laugh, to be calm, and to be joyful. Understanding the rhythm helps us better understand ourselves and not judge ourselves. 

We cannot expect to always be happy and always productive. 

Furthermore, when it comes to manifestation, there is also a rhythm. You cannot clap your hands, count to three and have all your heart desires delivered right before you. However, if you understand the rhythm and work with it, you will learn to appreciate all the stages of the manifestation process and you will never again wonder why the universe doesn’t have your back. 

Rhythm is always there, things are always moving, as I said earlier. Understanding this law of rhythm and moving with it, rather than against it helps you understand why things are happening. Things are always shifting and changing. That is the rhythm. Finally, rhythm shows us that nothing is permanent. 

This law is actually associated with the heart energy centre. The heart has a rhythm, and your body has a rhythm. You inhale and exhale, and your emotions come and go. Emotions are associated with the heart centre. Beyond your emotions, you will find your higher self, your true home and where you can find the sense of grounding you are after. 

Our role as connected creators is not to follow the highs of life and only focus on manifesting a particular goal but rather to see beyond the highs and lows of life. That is where our true self resides. Understanding rhythm helps you connect to your true essence. 

Don’t be too set on your goals. While it is important to have goals, and I don’t discourage that at all, it’s important to acknowledge that what our higher self has in plan may be much greater and more aligned with us than what we think we want. We are connected creators or co-creators. Have goals and a general direction, but be open to guidance, and don’t reject a new direction just because that is not what your goal was. 

Let yourself be guided by your higher self. In the end, you get the ultimate say. You could follow the path towards your goals. You have that freedom. However, it may not be as satisfying as following the path of your higher self. 

How do I listen to this path of my Higher Self? 

Usually, we get impulses, and we are drawn to things from the outside, from what one person said or another. The energetic pull comes from the outside. It feels a little like someone is dragging you around after them. However, sometimes, we get these inner impulses that are pure and come from our higher self. This doesn’t have to be a big AHA moment; they usually are very clear, very subtle ideas and inspirations that arise in us, and they feel more like something has just arisen to the surface, like a plant that was a seed that has just bloomed out of the ground. Subtle but clear. 

Follow these little gifts from your higher self. Even if they don’t align with your goal, they may align with you more than you know. 

The Tarot Card Guidance for This Week:

the three of wands tarot card

The card that popped up is the Three of Wands, which, after reading the rest of this blog, makes so much sense by just even looking at the image. Ahead of this person looking out on the horizon is a body of water, the sea. Water is flowing, always moving. This person is standing on land, holding onto a wand that stands firmly. There is a sense of being grounded within yourself amidst the change. This card looks peaceful, although a lot is happening.

Find that sense of grounding in your true self that is always the same, always present, infinitely abundant, and that is love in its essence. That is your true home. From here you can access infinite resources that will help you this week. 

Another download that came with this card was that while this man is looking toward the horizon towards possibility and possible goals, he is firmly grounded in the present. Do not fall into the trap of living in the future because this is just escapism. Instead, bring the feeling of your desire into the present. Manifestation requires presence.

This card also shows the power of your presence. It says, I am here, I am now. It underlines your Higher Self's choice of being born and living in this space and time. Remember, you are not a victim of fate, you are intentionally here. 

You can use this as a mantra: “I am here, I am now”. Claim your power through this mantra. It will help you stay grounded and present. 

When you connect to your higher self and understand your true essence, and access the self-love that comes with this knowing, you are performing alchemy, turning lead into gold.

You are seeing the rhythms and working with them rather than against them.

If you are a visual person, what I saw clairvoyantly while receiving this message was the light pink of self-love transforming the yellow (which usually is the ego) into gold. This symbolically means alchemy—turning lead into gold. 

When you can let yourself be triggered, upset, or panicky, you can rest in this place of self-knowing and self-love without denying your experience but rather embracing it. Like this, you are transforming yourself.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Capsule, if you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to contact me on instagram or by email. 

Additionally, if you want more personalised insights, the most accessible service I offer is email readings.

With Love and Presence,

Ana (Psychic & Spiritual Law of Attraction Coach)

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