A high vibrational spiritual energy has set roots on earth this week. This looks like a purple cloak that is encompassing the planet. From this, I see yellow flowers sprouting. These flowers can be interpreted as people that serve to guide and help others in this process of evolution of the collective consciousness. The flowers are yellow because these people take the role of being teachers to others, and yellow normally signifies learning/teaching and information. Yellow means information because the sun appears yellow to us, and the sun symbolises the light of consciousness. However, these flowers also have other colours, which means that these people also take up other roles. They are creators in different fields, and they are artists, healers, and even people that have more conventional jobs like corporate jobs. Don't be fooled by someone's current career. There is a common ground between these people, which is that they are emerging from this purple, high vibrational spiritual energy. As a result, right now, a lot of people may feel a pull to be more in tune with their bodies, with their energy and to understand deeper truths about the universe.
This new energy will affect all of us. It will give you a much more balanced sense of meaning and purpose. You will feel like, "ohhh ok, now I understand"! You might feel like all this time you were lost, but now you will feel more at peace in your knowing. This won't necessarily come from discovering something new, but instead, it is a new sense of understanding. Perhaps the yellow flowers described above are growing inside you, as an alternative interpretation from the one above. The teacher and knowledge are within you. The light of consciousness is growing within you.
On the other hand, you will become more aware of the sense of duality in this world. This could lead to outward arguments with others, or it could also lead to an inner sense of confusion. However, this tension of the duality leads you to integrate and find common ground.
The effect of this week's energy on your field
A lot of people are running this purple energy, so how does this affect you?

The energy is activating pictures/information related to survival, physical attachments, safety, and physical health in your field (red pictures).
Additionally, you are questioning your sense of being in this world. How are you being in this world? (Red and yellow pictures)
You may be questioning your direction in life, and you may be feeling a little confused and lost. You might start to ask more questions like what makes me happy? What brings me joy? (Yellow pictures)
Because of these red pictures, you will shift your focus inward to self-healing (blue pictures).
Furthermore, you are also thinking about how you relate to others and how you communicate (blue pictures).
You will start to feel a lot more love for being, for this world, and for the planet, and you will feel more connected with nature (pink pictures).
It is important to be aware of these red pictures because they will feel uncomfortable. You might even catch a cold or just feel a little under the weather. Any physical sensibility that you might have might make itself known to you this week. Even if these are pictures that you've worked on healing in the past, they could light up again. The degree to which they are lighting up also shows you to what degree you've allowed love to flow to embrace and transmute them.
The most important thing that you can do to manage these red pictures is to open your heart. The more you open your heart and allow love in, the more these pictures will stop making you feel uncomfortable or scared. The other thing that you can do is to do an energy centre synchronisation which you can do in meditation. This will facilitate the release of these pictures.
Message for the mystics, healers and conscious creators of the world
I see a peony flower with a pink and green yin-yang symbol inside. Pink and green are typically colours that symbolize the heart centre. Pink and green look different, but they represent the same thing. The message for the mystics is not to be fooled by appearances. What may seem like opposites are actually the same thing. Always be connected to the essence, the source, the oneness, although still operating as a separate, independent being. You are a separate I AM CONSCIOUSNESS but do not lose sight of this connection. It is your power, your strength, your source. It's what facilitates your healing abilities and what helps you operate at full capacity and as your true self in this world. Do not be fooled by appearances! Find your centre and operate from your centre as an independent, I AM CONSCIOUSNESS.
Love & Presence,