For the week of 17-24th July 2024
Welcome to the Wednesday Tarot Guidance! Each week, I connect with Paul, my healing master (a type of spirit guide), to draw a tarot card that holds a message for the people that will read this blog post. So, if you are reading this, this is specifically for you. This week, Paul has chosen...
Three of Pentacles, a card rich with insights and guidance.

Don't be so quick to judge others! Look at yourself first.
The Three of Pentacles encourages self-reflection. Often, we are quick to judge others, projecting our insecurities onto them. This card asks you to turn inward first. Before casting judgment, understand your motivations and emotions. This self-awareness is crucial in personal growth and understanding your interactions with others.
Don't dwell on your past losses.
This card advises you not to dwell on perceived losses but to focus on what lies ahead and what you currently possess. New horizons are within your reach, and your attitude will play a pivotal role in what you achieve.
It is your choice what you focus on, and this determines the opportunities you see and have access to. Free will is a powerful law across all dimensions, and practising it wisely is essential. Remember, you are the creator of your reality. Harness your free will!
Who Are You Loyal To?
Your sense of loyalty, while a virtue, can sometimes hinder your progress. It's essential to let go of past versions of yourself to build a better future. Moving forward isn't betrayal; it's necessary for growth. Ask yourself who you are being loyal to. Be loyal to the future you, not the past.
Being loyal and sacrificing the blessings and path your higher self has set out for you is not a virtue. Following certain moral and ethical guidelines over following your intuition if you are truly connected is not beneficial. Guidelines are just that—guidelines. Real life is much more nuanced, and the best compass is your intuition and higher self.
I had to let go and "betray" the old version of me to rise anew as a more whole and harmonious consciousness.
Become loyal to the future you.
The Light is On
Within the darkness of this temple, your subconscious, there is a light, the light of your awareness. You are no longer asleep, guided by subconscious patterns into a fate that is not yours. It is time to create a new reality, one that reflects your true self.
You are being guided. Pay Attention!
You have spirit guides supporting you through messages. These may come while you sleep. These messages may become apparent when you wake up. Let them guide you. This happens to me. I sometimes wake up with ideas that have a different quality and energy and I know they come from my spirit guides.
The symbolism of Number Three and The Pentacles Suit
The number three represents a step just before something becomes stable in the physical world. You are almost there, and you can sense it.
Pentacles are connected to the earth element, signifying tangible manifestations. Focus your attention on your goals; you are close to seeing them become reality. Your actions now are crucial in bringing your desires into the physical realm. Practice your free will and keep moving forward instead of looking at the past. The past is more easily accessible because it happened, bringing us a sense of safety and familiarity instead of an uncertain, unknown future. The mind does not like the future or even the present. However, remember that all your blessings and desires are not in the past.
Take this guidance to heart as you navigate your week. Remember, you are the connected creator of your reality.
Love and Presence,
Ana (Psychic & Spiritual Coach)