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Clairvoyant Energy Update: Are You Feeling a Pull Towards Authenticity? Find out how Authenticity is The Answer To All of Your Problems.

Writer's picture: Ana DobrescuAna Dobrescu

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

This Clairvoyant Energy Update is for 6th Oct-20th Oct 2024, but the practices and ideas are applicable anytime.

Waves abstract

I feel like I am riding the biggest wave of the year right now. There are so many changes but I feel surprisingly at ease.

I feel held and grounded.

Do I still have moments of freaking out?

Of course, I do!

Life wouldn't be as fun without a little OMG, what am I gonna do?!

I was pondering how the very thing that makes life worth living, the uncertainty and surprise element, is the thing we are most scared of. I mean imagine if you knew everything that was going to happen in your life. Boooorriinnnng.

New: The Clairvoyant Energy Updates are bi-weekly now, which gives me more time to write more in-depth blogs on specific topics that the updates bring up or topics that I feel are needed based on what I see from my clients. This also means that the update covers two weeks instead of one.

If the update is too long, don't read it all at once. Read only what jumps out at you at the moment, come back to it later, and do the same thing.

To stay updated with the release of clairvoyant energy updates and other blogs, you can subscribe here.

Ok, enough chit-chat. Let's get into the fun stuff.

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Clairvoyant Reading

As I write these blogs every week, I gain a deeper understanding of how to use them and what they mean.

The Collective energies flow into the areas of your life that need transition or change. They can affect your love life, your career, or maybe more specific areas like expressing yourself. Keep this in mind while reading the interpretations.

Authenticity and What it Actually Means

The first colour of the Rose that jumped out was a beautiful dark blue. As I went closer to it, I saw a violet-purple and blue line come together, they looked like frequency waves coming together. The blue felt extremely fresh and coherent.

frequency waves in purple and blue

The dark blue, at first glance, is about your authenticity.

Let's talk a bit about authenticity. defines authenticity as representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified:(

However, the origins of the word are also relevant. The word comes from the Greek authentes, which means one acting on one's own authority, from autos= self + hentes = doer, being. (

Thus, there is a component of action in authenticity. You can be tapping into your authentic self but taking action on that in this 3D reality is what makes it a fact. Taking action on your authenticity requires courage sometimes. You've got this!

Last week the word that came through strongly was RECOGNITION. You can read last week's blog here if you are interested.

Recognition in the sense of seeing ourselves for who we are, asks of us AUTHENTICITY. If you are going to 'recognise" yourself, who are you recognising? Last week's energy set forth this need for authenticity.

Authenticity creates coherence in your life. When you channel and act on your authenticity, the things that aren't for you fall apart, and those that are come to you. This thing that you fear may be the answer to all of your desires and problems.

When you are authentic, you are clear, direct and coherent energy-wise. This makes it easier for the Universe to bring you what you want. You are no longer beating around the bush, "Oh, maybe this," "maybe that", "Oh, I dunno", or "whatever".

Ergh, I noticed that I say "I dunno" a lot when I speak. Pay attention to those things that you say that denote hesitation or insecurity. That is not the energy of authenticity.


Use the power of the word "authenticity."

I recommend you do this while walking, but you can do it sitting, too.

Bring up a challenge you are facing right now or a repeating inner argument. I'm sure it will come up on its own anyway. The mind likes to occupy space like that.

Say the word authenticity three times. You can say it in your mind, but I recommend saying it out loud as you can feel its vibration.

Observe how this word disrupts your space.

What insights do you get regarding the issue? What does authenticity even mean for you in that particular situation?

As the word also implies action, it brings any insights that you have into practice, creating more coherence in your life.

Authenticity may be what you need to manifest more wealth, health or love.

Let's dive into the purple colour. Authenticity means discovering new layers of who you truly are, and as you fine-tune your authenticity and tap further into it, you may uncover new truths. Perhaps you’ve believed something about yourself all your life, only to realize it’s quite the opposite.

The message here is to not be hard on yourself for being "wrong" because you weren't wrong; this is the process of growth which entails letting go of the clothes that you outgrew. It is an ongoing journey.

Ask Yourself: Are you holding yourself back in some way because you think it's less "spiritual" to be like that? Observe your spiritual ego. I think a lot of people hold back anger, for example, because it is seen as an ugly emotion.

As we dive deeper into this purple energy, which has a warm, reddish-pink hue, there’s a strong note of self-love. It feels sweet, like the nectar of a flower or honey, and it’s coming directly from your heart, from the very essence of who you are. That is the source of your authenticity. Your Higher Self. Recapturing that authenticity is essential because it is something the world truly needs.

Now, let's turn our attention to the dark blue and yellow energies.

Authentically in Flux

Let’s explore the yellow first, which reflects your identity. It feels different from the past week, which was more about exploration. This week there is a sense of firmness.

This colour represents someone who is stepping into their sense of self with a strong and confident presence. When I connect to this yellow, it feels firm and sure of itself, like you’ve learned how to navigate this world with a solid identity. You understand that having an ego and identity is part of functioning in the world.

But within this yellow, I also see a soft lavender, which is a reminder that your identity has space to evolve. This lavender represents your flexibility and ability to flow. These patches of lavender make me think of the Double Slit Experiment.

The double slit experiment is a famous physics experiment that shows how light and particles, like electrons, behave both like waves and particles. This experiment demonstrates that the act of observing can change how particles behave, revealing their wave-particle duality.

Just like particles in quantum physics, the lavender energy is about this dual nature. This means that your identity doesn’t have to be one thing. You can be more things at the same time and you can adapt depending on what the moment asks of you.

In the same way that a particle can appear in a definite spot when observed but act like a wave when left alone, the lavender energy allows you to move between different roles and identities with ease. You can be fully present and solid when needed, but you can also expand and flow into new possibilities without being limited by rigid definitions.

This energy is telling me that you’re learning to live in this 3D reality while remaining open and fluid to the will of the Higher Self.

This understanding that you are in the world, but not of the world, brings you the freedom to act with conviction. You are fully present, ready to give your all to each moment. Knowing that the moment does not define you overall, you can give it your all. Sometimes, I have trouble committing and going all in because I think that one thing will define me forever, thus never fully committing to anything. This is a false perspective that only gives the impression of freedom, but actually, it just stops one from evolving.

These energies are here to help you recognize two things: that identity is only what the moment asks of you. They allow you to embrace every moment as new and different, knowing that it's okay to shift as needed. There’s no conflict in these changes; instead, they create harmony with the flow of reality.

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How Can I be Authentic if I Change From Moment to Moment?

Let’s return to the dark blue. This colour goes deep, right to the base of the rosebud, where the stem meets the bud. The word that keeps coming up for this colour is "fresh." It feels so reinvigorating.

This is where the yellow and blue come together, and it’s about authenticity. Who am I? There seems to be a worry about being authentic, especially when you feel pulled in different directions. But being more than one thing doesn’t make you less authentic. You don’t need to be consistent to be credible. It feels like there’s a conflict within you. How can I be both? Who am I really?

But this is like the parents that are no longer happy together, and their soul contract has expired and they decide to stay together anyway for the sake of the children because they made a committment many years ago. I'm not saying that committing isn't something to admire because it is, but we need to ask ourselves what are we committed to?

By being authentically yourself, you become an example or a healer to others. Even if you never see them or talk to them, the simple act of observing you is healing. There’s also a sense of social responsibility here that you carry, especially as a healer. This is where the violet-purple comes in, along with the pink of self-love.

Self-love is key to reconciling the dillemma of how you can be seemingly contradicting things or to change. Maybe you have outgrown a committment you made ten years ago. Self-love is the key to help you move forward in love. Remember, you are an example to others. Do you want to be an example of sacrifice and act as a martyr (martyr archetype) or an example of love, courage and evolution?

If you are enjoying this Clairvoyant Energy Update so far, you can also explore the Clairvoyant psychic readings I offer, which give you personalised insights.

Having an Ego is not "Bad"

Even more, from a place of self-love, you’ll understand that it’s possible to be authentic while holding an identity. Some believe that having an ego or identity is bad, but that’s not true. Holding an identity is simply what the moment calls for, and it’s part of the current nature of this reality.

Having an identity is like wearing a mask for a specific purpose, one that the moment requires. From a place of self-love, you can see that the problem isn’t the ego itself, but rather clinging to one fixed identity. This is what creates confusion and inflexibility.

You can be both authentic and fresh while holding an identity. Your identity doesn’t define you; it’s just what the moment asks for. And even while fully immersed in that role, you never lose the deeper part of yourself. That deeper essence always remains, anchoring you in authenticity and freshness. This is what makes you a healer. People sense this deeper authenticity through the roles you play.

This is a dilemma for many, thinking the ego is bad. But the real lesson is learning to reconcile the ego's role without losing the essence of who you truly are.

The Collective Energy Body- Any Changes and What They Mean

On your right side, I see a light blue energy entering your body, gradually turning into a deeper blue. This represents a healing process—helping you find balance and hold onto your authenticity without getting lost in any fixed identity.

I also see a yellow halo above your head. This energy supports your freshness and authenticity, especially as a healer. It’s aligning you with your higher self and allowing you to connect more easily with its guidance. You may notice that things flow more effortlessly, that you feel more in tune with your intuition. There is also a deeper healing happening.

The energy coming into your right shoulder, down through your hand and torso, is dissolving old information or energetic patterns that no longer serve your soul’s contracts. These patterns may have been holding you back, but now they’re being cleared so you can better fulfill your purpose and feel more aligned with who you truly are. It’s fascinating to witness how these energetic shifts are constantly transforming us.

Now, before we dive into the Oracle Deck Insights, there’s one more thing.

What is your favourite colour? It may sound silly, but have you noticed how it changes over time? Often, we feel the need to conform to a choice we made in the past. As a kid, I remember feeling pressured to choose a favourite colour, so I picked blue, even though it kept changing. This pressure to stick with something just because we’ve said it before is unnecessary. You’re allowed to change. You can reinvent yourself.

In that spirit of change, let’s begin with the Archangel Animal Deck instead of the Psychic Tarot Deck this time. Don’t be afraid to be different from one moment to the next.

Oracle Deck Insights

Card 1: The Guinea Pig- "Do your part to illuminate the universe." (Archangel Animal Oracle Deck).

Guinea pig- Archangel animal deck

This card jumped out so fast: the guinea pig. Wow, this is so on point! The colours are exactly what I’ve been seeing: that pinkish-purple and blue. The message from the guinea pig is, "Do your part to illuminate the universe."

Let’s dive into what the guinea pig is saying: Don’t be afraid to look foolish. Be comfortable with the most vulnerable parts of yourself. It’s okay to be ridiculous sometimes. Tap into that self-love, and embrace your silliness. This card is all about love, being playful and embracing the lighter, fun side of life. I love this message.

It’s also connected to Archangel Mary, reminding us that self-love and vulnerability are powerful. Thank you, guinea pig!

Card 2: Passion Ignited (Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck)

Passion Ignited- Psychic Tarot Deck

The message of this card is to Be yourself as if you were on fire. That's how fully you need to embrace who you are. Be passionate, be authentic, as if you were burning with the truth of who you are. That's why you're here. I love how the cards always remind us of this, be yourself. It's so beautiful, and I get goosebumps just feeling the power of this message. Be in love with yourself. Love yourself deeply.

This brings me back to the idea of being a healer. You are an example to others, and by being passionately you, you help others. What do you have to lose? Are you afraid of embarrassing yourself? Honestly, it's more embarrassing not to be yourself.

By fully embracing who you are, the universe will bring you everything you desire: abundance, wealth, everything. That’s how you tap into the flow of abundance.

If this Energy Update has helped you and you are interested in what I can offer you, you can send me a message on WhatsApp. I’m always quick to reply! Alternatively, you can check out my services.

With love and presence,

Ana (Clairvoyant Psychic & Intuitive Manifestation Coach)

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