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Clairvoyant Energy Update: Worthiness Is Not What You Think.

Writer's picture: Ana DobrescuAna Dobrescu

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

This Clairvoyant Energy Update is for 20 Oct- 3 Nov 2024, but the practices and ideas are applicable anytime.

stairs spiral in orange

I know you don't mess around when it comes to your spiritual development, so let's jump straight into the energies...

Just one thing before you start: If the update is too long, don't read it all at once. Read only what jumps out at you at the moment, come back to it later, and do the same thing.

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Clairvoyant Reading

The Path to Higher Worthiness is Allowing More Joy

I see a staircase that is a magenta or hot pink color. The handrail on the stairs is orange. The staircase appears to lead to the attic, and it looks luxurious, covered in a soft, light pink leather material with cushioning inside.

You are climbing these stairs metaphorically, evolving your consciousness. Each step reflects a higher degree of self-love, symbolized by the light pink. With every step, there is also more trust. Magenta dominates the scene, and its presence signifies worthiness. This will be the main theme for the next one to two weeks.

I also see orange chords or strings attached to your back. The message I receive is that there may be unconscious beliefs suggesting that earthly pleasures distract or keep you from evolving your consciousness.

While it is true to some degree that anything that is too much or an exaggeration is not beneficial, like eating too much at once or binge-watching TV shows, not finding joy in the physical dimension is not something that we intended upon taking a physical body. We are here to do things that we couldn't do without a body. Become more balanced in how much you allow yourself to experience fun and joy.

Limiting belief to become aware of: Earthly and physically-focused joy keeps me from my spiritual purpose.

Tap into your intuition and be guided towards those things that make you happy physically and that feed your spirit, too. When it's really quiet, you can hear your Higher Self. There is a need for reconciliation between this paradigm that earthly pleasure is somehow the opposite of spiritual connection. Explore this theme and see how it shows up in your life.

Don't be guided by what others are doing. I remember, after my first spiritual awakening, I became a bit of a hermit, which was part of my journey at the time. I realised that the activities that I used to do to have fun weren't feeding my spirit, and I naturally gravitated away from them. I stopped partying in the same way and hanging out with some people. I remember still very well that I went out for a drink with a friend, and the entire purpose of the meeting, unbeknownst to me, was to tell me that I had become very boring and that I didn't know how to have fun anymore. This triggered me at first, and it made me feel like there was something wrong with me. Upon introspection, I realised that my definition of fun was changing and was no longer aligned with my old definition of fun and his definition of fun. He made me very aware of that at that moment. That was the last time I saw or interacted with this person. Trust your intuition in finding those things that bring you joy in all dimensions, and don't worry about veering away from the crowd.

The orange is saying to enjoy the process to the fullest, as there is no destination. Life is in constant flux. Deeply enjoy the experiences of your life. Stop putting off joy to a later time. If you find yourself stressing out, remember not to take anything too seriously and that we are here temporarily.

The more steps you take on this staircase, the more your consciousness evolves, and you literally step into a higher degree of self-love.

By tapping into the pleasure and enjoyment of life, you are honouring your higher selves' decision to be here and be in body. You are starting to see how your higher self "sees" and feel how much the Higher Self enjoys being you. There is so much joy and purpose in having this experience of you. Letting yourself have fun and letting joy in your life will help you step into your worthiness. Joy and worthiness are directly related. By allowing joy into your life, you signal to the universe that you are worthy and ready to receive. Also, a quick reminder: you don't need to be in a "good" place to allow a bit of joy in. It is found in the smallest of things at any time.

What is Worthiness To You?

I see a butterfly with pink, yellow and a hint of light blue. The light blue concerns what we talked about two energy updates ago related to RECOGNITION. In our context, recognition is the simple act of giving yourself an "Oh hey there, you whole and perfect beautiful being, I see you" every morning. This is something that we would naturally do when we were children upon waking up. If you want to go back and read this energy update click here. This is about seeing yourself through the innocent eyes of the inner child within you. There is a healing that comes with this perspective of the inner child. Remember: "With the heart of a child, anything is possible."

The message of the butterfly is to be light about the current transformation. Remember, it's all temporary.

On the stairs, you are climbing out of being defined in a certain way. You are climbing out of getting your sense of worthiness from pleasing others.

When Magic and Practicality Come Together

When you're faced with practical tasks like settling legal contracts or handling worldly issues, try to maintain that "anything is possible" mindset, as if you're seeing things through the eyes of a child. This mindset will help you connect more easily with your spirit guides, blending the structure of the material world with the natural spiritual impulses you had as a child. Things will arrange themselves as if through magic. While you are doing the practical work in the world, maintain this perspective of a child, the "anything is possible" attitude. This blends structure and responsibility with play, fun and trust.

Remember, there’s joy in the simplest of things. You are here in a physical body because you wanted to experience the richness of the material world. Find pleasure in small, everyday moments, whether it's playing a game of chess, observing nature, or simply being present in your daily tasks. Tap into the joy of being fully embodied and embrace the beauty of the physical experience. You don't always need to search for something that has a higher meaning or purpose. Sometimes, a butterfly is just a butterfly. You don't need to always search Google for "what is the spiritual meaning of..." I do that all the time, by the way.

The Collective Energy Body Scan

Your sense of worthiness is not about feeling important or valuable to others. Instead, it is rooted in a kind of childlike innocence and playfulness. This sense of joy and lightness will guide you toward understanding your true worth, far more than rigid ideas of self-importance. It is not about sitting up straight and serious. Sometimes, it is about being playful, silly, and rolling in the grass like a kid.

I see this dark magenta hat on your head, and it seems tied to other people’s ideas of worthiness. This hat reminds me of someone who carries an air of importance but feels stiff and constrained. This is about releasing and grounding out those external definitions of worthiness. A deep healing is happening, bringing you back to yourself.

Going back to the title, that "worthiness is not what you think," worthiness isn't what you "think" at all. True worthiness won't be found in the mind. This is why it's important to access the inner child, which doesn't think too much; worthiness will be found in the intelligence of the body instead.

I see the light blue energy rising from the lower half of your body, slowly enveloping you. This blue represents your true essence. As this energy shift takes place, the hat comes off, and the vibrant magenta of your worthiness emerges, alive, authentic, and uniquely yours. The confusion you once had, the search for worthiness outside of yourself, is fading. Now, you are aligning with your own sense of worth in the most genuine way.

If you've come this far, then you are enjoying yourself. To stay updated with future clairvoyant energy updates and other blogs, you can subscribe here.

Oracle Deck Insights 

Card 1: Emotional Withdrawal (Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck)

Emotional Withdrawal- the psychic tarot deck

This card is all about returning to yourself, much like the blue energy I mentioned earlier. You are reconnecting with your true self, and that can feel vulnerable at times. As you release old ideas and ways of being, especially those you thought you were supposed to follow, it is important to offer yourself plenty of self-love and care.

Do not be afraid to open up and feel your emotions fully. This is a time for leaving behind emotional patterns you may have learned in the past and embracing a new way of being, one that is truly your own.

Card 2: The Cat - Be relaxed and independent. (Archangel Animal Oracle Deck)

The cat- Archangel Animal deck

The cat encourages you to be relaxed and independent. Find ease in this new way of being, and move with grace. Move like a cat, slowly and confidently, as you step into this new version of yourself. You have learned to be one way, and now you are discovering a new way of being. Like a cat, be gracious as you walk through this transformation. It takes time to adjust, so be patient with yourself. Stay aligned and embrace your independence, just as a cat would.

For the next two weeks, let the cat be your spirit animal. The cat has a message about worthiness. When you observe a cat, notice how she walks with natural confidence and takes pleasure in every step. There is a connection here between the colours pink and orange. The cat teaches that worthiness may not be what you think it is. Reflect on this. The orange that is also (not surprisingly) in the card, most simply put, represents the pleasure of being. Worthiness comes from the pleasure of being.

Step into that pleasure, and let your authentic worthiness guide you forward.

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are interested in what I can offer, you can check out my offerings here.

With love and presence,

Ana (Clairvoyant Psychic & Intuitive Manifestation Coach)

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